Saturday, 22 December 2007

Christmas cartel

Danish competition authorities have accused the country's Christmas tree growers' association of attempting to fix prices.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

End of the year

At the end, the idea of blogging from the network conference venue in Bonn did not work. Anyway, the meeting was very interesting, well attended and with a lot of debate.

Lawyers and economists did discuss together competition and regulatory issues and, after the unavoidable skirmishes and an invitation to economists to "take responsibility for decisions", the dialogue was fruitful for all.

The topics discussed varied a lot, from mergers between not-for-profit firms (to be treated more leniently by regulators?) to private enforcement of competition law (impossible to find an agreement) to the long lost soul of article 82 (found in the Archives of the 1950s negotiations around the text of the Treaty of Rome, by a researcher from the University of East Anglia).
Of course, our work on Net Neutrality was presented too.

It is not possible to report here on all papers presented there. Maybe in future posts, the authors will like to give some details.

In the meantime, another TILEC event has taken place, i.e. the second roundtable of the "Economic Impact Group" of the CoPECL network. The aim of the group is the economic analysis of the forthcoming "European Contract Law", currently in the making. The meeting was held in Barcelona and scholars from a number of Universities in Europe were present to discuss whether the rules chosen by comparative lawyers to constitute "European" contract law are sound according to economic analysis.

A website with more info will see the light very soon.

To all: Happy Christmas and a great 2008!

Wednesday, 5 December 2007


Tomorrow and on Friday, a big bunch of TILEC members will participate to a Workshop on the Law and Economics of Competititon Policy, organised by the Max Planck Institute for Research on collective goods in Bonn, Germany (the programme in a pdf here).

My idea is to blog from there, whenever interesting points arise during the discussion. Let's see if and how it works out.